Early Head Start

Moore Community House's Early Head Start (MCH EHS) program provides high-quality, affordable childcare and comprehensive supportive services for low-income families with children aged 0-3 years. At MCH EHS, we are dedicated to fostering healthy development, supporting families, and preparing children for lifelong success in a safe, nurturing, and inclusive environment.

The Moore Community House Early Head Start program provides early childhood education and health and family support services to low-income families with pregnant women, infants and toddlers up to age 3.
Our comprehensive services include:
Family Advocates - Members of our team that assess the specific needs of individual families and then develop a holistic approach that responds directly to those needs.
Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) - Provides each enrolled child with nutritious food and supports nutrition education.
Expectant Mothers Program - Offers mothers support to give birth to a healthy infant.
School Readiness Program - From birth to 3 years of age, this program provides parenting training and encourages family engagement in the child’s educational journey of positive development, in preparation for success in school.
Employment and Training Referrals - Helps build relationships between parents of children in Early Head Start and local employers.
Through these services, we open up opportunities for parents to work and go to school while at the same time offering valuable learning experiences for their children.
"This journey with Moore's prepares my children for Head Start and sets them up for success in the years to come. I am truly thankful for this program."
- EHS Parent (August 2024)

A national study by Mathematica Policy Research, Inc., and Columbia University's Center for Children and Families, in conjunction with the Early Head Start Research Consortium, found:
Parents of the
3-year-old children "scored significantly higher than control group parents on many aspects of home environment and parenting behavior."
3-year-old children
enrolled in Early Head Start "performed significantly better on a range of measures of cognitive, language, and social-emotional development than a randomly assigned control group."
It also found impacts for parents on progress towards self-sufficiency, especially for fathers.